

You Can Help Build a Better Community

You can help thousands of children and youth in Ottawa’s most vulnerable communities reach their full potential by supporting the highest priority needs of the Club or you may choose to designate your funds to the programming pillar that has the greatest meaning for you personally. Your gift will make a significant impact in serving the needs of our community.

Why Support BGC Ottawa

  • You support a local a local organization.
  • You make a difference the most vulnerable communities of your city.
  • You take part in the greatest reach and impact on children and youth in Ottawa.
  • You participate in our individuals and corporate giving which represents over half of our annual revenue.
  • You join us as the demand for Club resources in our community continues to grow.
  • You invest in Ottawa’s community by elevating tomorrow’s generation.
  • Learn more about us, view our feature videos, and read our stories.

How You Can Give

One-Time Gifts

A single gift could have a lasting impact on the lives and futures of BGC Ottawa Members. You can ensure the Club can continue to offer barrier-free services and life-changing programs.

Donate Today

Monthly & Annual Giving

We believe that once you're a friend, you're always a friend. That's why when you become a member of our monthly or annual giving program, you are joining others in your community who are creating better opportunities for Ottawa's children and youth. Monthly giving lets you spread your giving out throughout the year, easily budget for giving and make an ongoing commitment to BGC Ottawa

Contact Annie Premachuk to learn more

Major & Planned Giving

We are here to support your philanthropic goals, discuss your impact, and how you would like to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of youths. You ensure the Club can continue to offer innovative programs and services to the city's children and youth.

Contact Jonelle Istead to learn more

Gifts Of Publicly Traded Securities & Mutual Funds

Did you know that the federal government has eliminated the capital gains tax on donations of publicly listed securities to registered charities? If you own stocks or mutual funds that have grown in value, you will face a tax bill when you sell them. By donating them directly to BGC Ottawa you can eliminate your tax bill and make a significant gift at the same time. This giving option is attractive if you have appreciated investments and wish to donate from savings rather than cash flow.

Contact Jonelle Istead to learn more

Legacy Giving

Remembering BGC Ottawa in your will allows many to support the Club with a substantially larger gift than would be possible within your lifetime. This type of giving of giving allows you to donate securities, cash, or a percentage of your estate.

Contact Jonelle Istead to learn more

Memorial & Tribute Gifts

A Memorial or Tribute gift is a thoughtful donation in memory of a beloved family member or friend.

Contact Annie Premachuk to learn more


BGC Ottawa graciously accepts some tangible gifts in-kind including craft and school supplies, and gift cards. Please note we do not accept drop off in-kind donations. We encourage donors to post their items on GiveShop. Sellers are able to designate their revenue to BGC Ottawa while receiving a charitable tax receipt.

Contact Annie Premachuk to learn more

Sponsorship & Event Giving

Do you or your organization want to sponsor one of our marquee events? Perhaps you have an in-kind donation to make to an auction or other events. Donating to one of our events is a great way to give back while also helping out your business' bottom line.

Contact Olu Akinwumi to learn more

Third-Party Events

Community members can band together to host events that benefit BGC Ottawa. From Denim Days at the office, to summer barbeques, to donations in lieu of gifts at holiday parties, these third-party events offer organizers the chance to give back.

Contact Annie Premachuk to learn more

Giving Information

  • BGC Ottawa (previously known as the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa) is a registered charity: Charitable Registration #118814565 RR0001
  • Tax Receipts will be issued for donations over $20
  • Online donations made through our site are administered by Canada Helps
  • BGC Ottawa respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting privacy. We do not rent, sell, or trade our mailing lists. The information you provide will be used to deliver services and to keep you informed and current with information about our continuum of services, programs, special events, funding needs, and volunteer opportunities.
  • BGC Ottawa adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights and Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code .
  • Cheques can be mailed to: Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa (cheques payable in this name), 2825 Dumaurier Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 7W3

Copyright © 2024 BGC Ottawa